学科 社会学科
年度 2023
タイトル The Importance of Being “Mid-level “: How Irony and Gender Negotiate Social Connections Amongst Female Otaku
内容 While the number of?otaku?has been increasing in recent years, the lived experience of?otaku?is different from persisting negative stereotypes. Moreover, studies have typically focused on male?otaku, leaving much unknown about the social dynamics of female?otaku. Therefore, this study focuses on female?otaku:?how do they view?otaku?culture, how do they present themselves when amongst other fans, and what is the role of irony and gender in such interactions? These questions are clarified in semi-structured interviews with seven female?otaku. The results indicate that contemporary female?otaku?are socially outgoing and have experience with mainstream expectations like dating. They subjectively position themselves and other?otaku?in a three-tiered structure based on six factors. They then decide how much of their own?otaku?side to present depending on the other person's level of?otaku. By clarifying the connection between cute and ironic exchanges, as well as ideas on gender by female?otaku,?this study contributes to the understanding of female?otaku in contemporary society.
講評 While the research direction changed from the initial focus, this thesis makes an important contribution to the literature on female otaku. There seem to be some contradictions in the degree to which the study participants think about gender; more specifically, assumed differences and incompatibilities with male otaku. Yet, the recurring idea of a desire to claim a “mid-level” or “mid-tier” degree of commitment to otaku culture, along with the use of irony (whether or not they recognize it as such), is something that might explain such contradictions. I appreciate that the author was pro-active about seeking, clarifying, and incorporating feedback. As a result of frequently following up, however, the final thesis may be a bit on the longer side. If time allowed it, it may have benefited from some trimming and reorganization, which would have helped the central contributions stick out more. Still, I believe the author can be proud of the result of their hard work over the years.
キーワード1 otaku
キーワード2 irony
キーワード3 gender
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