学科 社会学科
年度 2008
ゼミ名 Bruce WHITE
タイトル Ways of Being Me -Towards Understanding the Role of Narrative Continuity in Identity and the Life Course-
内容 本論文では、個人のアイデンティティがどのように形成され、変容してゆくのかについて主に述べている。「アイデンティティとは何か」という根源から、個人を創り上げている「自分自身」を一つの線に置き、アイデンティティの形成と変容の様を、人が生まれた瞬間から発達・成長を繰り返し成熟してゆくまでの道のりに重ね合わせ、理論や考察を様々な角度から展開させている。さらに、アイデンティティの形成と変容を個人のライフコース又は物語として捉えようとしている。
講評 It has been a pleasure to see 2008/09s seminar students through the last two years of study. The seminar started off as a very mixed bag of individuals, with very different interests and not much of an idea of how to explore them or what linked them together. Our first trip to Omihachiman in Shiga prefecture was focused on how to observe people and understand the way they thought about and put together their local identities. This was a theme that came to define the way that the different student's interests could be explored in their research in the second year. I was particularly impressed by the range of different focuses on identity which characterised by the final thesis submissions. The students worked hard to integrate what they were learning as a group into their very unique personal contexts and interests, and the result has been a set of reports that they can be proud of producing! Congratulations to all of you in all of your Diversity!
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