学科 教育文化学科
年度 2014
ゼミ名 William.R.STEVENSONⅢ
タイトル The Relationship Between Armed Conflict and Education:Education in the Ongoing Syrian Conflict
内容 This thesis examines the relationship between conflict and education. It begins with an overview of the United Nation's Education for ALL Global Monitoring Report that summarized the relationship between conflict and education prior to 2011. After examining background of the EFA report, this thesis looks at the content and the United Nation's analysis of how conflicts are caused, how they damages education, and the finally role of education for peace. This thesis then focuses on the ongoing Syrian crisis that began in March 2011, comparing the state of education in the country before and after the conflict, including the recent impact of ISIS. This conflict has devastated the life and education of Syrian children, and has lead to the collapse of basic education in Syria. Finally placing the results of the United nation's report alongside the ongoing Syrian conflict, it highlights common features and, at the same time, reveals new and unexpected ways in which conflict has impacted education.
講評 This is the first year for our department to have a “Globalization and Education” seminar. The seminar has covered a broad range of topics from multiple perspectives, and this is reflected in the tremendous diversity of graduation thesis topics. In addition, all students wrote their theses in the language of globalization, English. Despite this challenge, they produced a well-researched and well-written collection of papers that addresses the impact of globalization on education from various angles using a wide variety of sources. Congratulations to all of you!
キーワード1 EFA report
キーワード2 conflict
キーワード3 Syria
キーワード4 ISIS
キーワード5 caliphate
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