学科 教育文化学科
年度 2014
ゼミ名 William.R.STEVENSONⅢ
タイトル Geography Education in Japan: As a Solution for Challenges Caused by Globalization
内容 The benefits of globalization are numerous. At the same time, globalization has also caused a variety of problems. In particular, global climate change and the growing global-wide gap between the rich and the poor require a quick and clear response. ESD, or Education for Sustainable Development, is a single approach committed to solving these issues. However, it is difficult to accurately understand the concept of ESD, and there are various and complex challenges to its successful implementation. Why the concept is difficult and there are the challenges is that internationalization has been deployed by nations in pursuit of their own national interests, which leads complex social, economic, and environmental issues. Based on the aims of ESD?solving the issues as a single and complex problem?the Japanese Ministry of Education (MEXT) revised the Japanese official curriculum guidelines to create an education system that develops human resources able to deal with the issues. On the basis of these details of ESD, this thesis focuses on the revised Japanese official curriculum guidelines of social studies that have played an important role in ESD, and explores the role of geography education as a core class in ESD dissemination.
講評 This is the first year for our department to have a “Globalization and Education” seminar. The seminar has covered a broad range of topics from multiple perspectives, and this is reflected in the tremendous diversity of graduation thesis topics. In addition, all students wrote their theses in the language of globalization, English. Despite this challenge, they produced a well-researched and well-written collection of papers that addresses the impact of globalization on education from various angles using a wide variety of sources. Congratulations to all of you!
キーワード1 globalization
キーワード2 ESD
キーワード3 MEXT
キーワード4 the Japanese official curriculum guidelines
キーワード5 geography education
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