学科 教育文化学科
年度 2014
ゼミ名 William.R.STEVENSONⅢ
タイトル Healthy Bilingualism and Saving Endangered Languages: A comparative study of Quechua and Hawaiian Language Education
内容 Globalization has led to the death of many languages. While dominant languages, especially English, gets more power in the world, indigenous languages on all continents have vanished from the earth. David Crystal argues that “healthy bilingualism” offers the ideal situation to save endangered languages. To revive such dying languages, governments, international organizations and linguists are making desperate efforts. Yet, while many organizations and governments have taken up language planning, most have failed. For instance, African countries have not made any significant progress in indigenous language education. At the same time, Hawaii and, to some extent, parts of South America have succeeded in language planning. Hawaii, incorporating methods first used in Quebec, use a network of Hawaiian-language institutions to create a system that operates independently of English, the dominant language. These developments in Hawaii began as a grass-roots movement. Andean countries Peru and Ecuador also adopted intercultural indigenous language education as their language policy. Yet, their introduction processes differ from Hawaii in that the Peruvian government took the initiative in creating the system. In Ecuador, grass-roots movements were first eager to save their indigenous culture and language. Inspired by the grass-roots movements, Ecuadorian government undertook political reform. This thesis compares the Hawaiian and Quechua cases to examine Crystal’s healthy bilingualism hypothesis.
講評 This is the first year for our department to have a “Globalization and Education” seminar. The seminar has covered a broad range of topics from multiple perspectives, and this is reflected in the tremendous diversity of graduation thesis topics. In addition, all students wrote their theses in the language of globalization, English. Despite this challenge, they produced a well-researched and well-written collection of papers that addresses the impact of globalization on education from various angles using a wide variety of sources. Congratulations to all of you!
キーワード1 Endangered Language
キーワード2 Healthy Bilingualism
キーワード3 Language Education
キーワード4 Quechua
キーワード5 Hawaiian
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