学科 教育文化学科
年度 2016
ゼミ名 William.R.STEVENSONⅢ
タイトル The People’s Education and the Press in the West: A Study of the Influence of Politics on the Presentation of Chinese Education in American Print Media
内容 China’s aspirations are now on the top position as it has become the world’s second-largest economy after the United States. Along with economic developments, China has also displayed significant educational advances such as the good performances in the 2009 and 2012 PISA tests. The recent successes in PISA have attracted international attention of journalists, educators and researchers to focus on education in China. Placing the mainstream American image of Chinese education-as presented in the most influential of America newspapers-in the context of 40 years of Sino-America relations, the following looks to understand the extent of bilateral political and economic influences on perceptions of Chinese education. Moreover, through observing a tortuous course that western images have gone on Chinese education in recent decades, this study argues how politics exercises a great influence on the presentation of Chinese education in western print media, and also displays a cautionary tale about the uncertainty of media depiction.
講評 Befitting a seminar dedicated to examining educational developments on a global scale, this year’s graduation theses span a world of topics. Several examine how cultures change (or remain the same) as they cross traditional borders. Some focus on educational practices specific to Japan, looking to place them in a global context. Others look at global trends that, for one reason or another, have yet to be fully integrated into Japan. Two papers are comparative studies, contrasting policies across national borders. The most popular theme this year was ESD, with a total of four related papers. Several papers rely heavily on newspaper archives, while others are based primarily on interviews. All of the papers contain sections that are thoroughly original, evidencing the effort of seminar members to either work with new topics or take new approaches to more familiar themes. Naturally, in addition to the normal challenges of researching and writing, all of the students wrote their final papers in English using at least some English-language materials. I am proud of the students’ work and convinced that the process of researching and writing has enrichened their intellectual growth. Well done!
キーワード1 Chinese education
キーワード2 media
キーワード3 Sino-American relationships
キーワード5 PISA
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