学科 教育文化学科
年度 2016
ゼミ名 William.R.STEVENSONⅢ
タイトル Japanese Education and the History and Significance of Teacher Home Visitation
内容 Today, home visitation is practiced as of past of public education as a matter of course. In the April of the year, teachers visit homes and talk with parents about children and school. However, MEXT has never issued clear guidelines and teachers are not obliged to report their findings. In short, the practice is a custom with each school carrying it out independently. Yet, it has continued to the present. On the other hand, there is a tendency for reducing or abolishing the practice especially in urban areas. This research looks to further understand the practice. It focus on the origin of family visits and explore its significance. While standing historically and deciphering the transition of family visits, it becomes clear that it played a role in establishing and developing modern Japanese public education. In other words, a significance of home visits is that its purpose has reflected each era of education. In addition, while home visits themselves do not mimic policies of other countries, modern public education was not established without the influence of European and American cultures, and home visits would not have developed.
講評 Befitting a seminar dedicated to examining educational developments on a global scale, this year’s graduation theses span a world of topics. Several examine how cultures change (or remain the same) as they cross traditional borders. Some focus on educational practices specific to Japan, looking to place them in a global context. Others look at global trends that, for one reason or another, have yet to be fully integrated into Japan. Two papers are comparative studies, contrasting policies across national borders. The most popular theme this year was ESD, with a total of four related papers. Several papers rely heavily on newspaper archives, while others are based primarily on interviews. All of the papers contain sections that are thoroughly original, evidencing the effort of seminar members to either work with new topics or take new approaches to more familiar themes. Naturally, in addition to the normal challenges of researching and writing, all of the students wrote their final papers in English using at least some English-language materials. I am proud of the students’ work and convinced that the process of researching and writing has enrichened their intellectual growth. Well done!
キーワード1 home visitation
キーワード2 Japanese education history
キーワード3 elementary school
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