学科 教育文化学科
年度 2016
ゼミ名 William.R.STEVENSONⅢ
タイトル Resolving the Child Soldiers Crisis: the Role and Effect of NGOs and NPOs
内容 This thesis, discusses the effects and roles of international NGOs, NPOs, local organizations, and Japanese organizations in solving problems of child soldiers. The first chapter covers international NGOs working in Uganda and organizations that are active in the field. In chapter two, -a small non-profit organization-, the Invisible Children of the United States, picked up the root of the child soldier problem in Uganda and creating a film on the subject of a LRA leader, Joseph Kony, dealing with cases of international interest in child soldier issues. I will take up this project, including not only good points but also critical aspects. The third chapter examines Tera Renaissance, an accredited NPO corporation operating in Kyoto, Japan. This group is actually an organization operating in Uganda. Based on these investigations, this study explores the effects and roles of NGOs and NPOs in solving child soldiers' problems.
講評 Befitting a seminar dedicated to examining educational developments on a global scale, this year’s graduation theses span a world of topics. Several examine how cultures change (or remain the same) as they cross traditional borders. Some focus on educational practices specific to Japan, looking to place them in a global context. Others look at global trends that, for one reason or another, have yet to be fully integrated into Japan. Two papers are comparative studies, contrasting policies across national borders. The most popular theme this year was ESD, with a total of four related papers. Several papers rely heavily on newspaper archives, while others are based primarily on interviews. All of the papers contain sections that are thoroughly original, evidencing the effort of seminar members to either work with new topics or take new approaches to more familiar themes. Naturally, in addition to the normal challenges of researching and writing, all of the students wrote their final papers in English using at least some English-language materials. I am proud of the students’ work and convinced that the process of researching and writing has enrichened their intellectual growth. Well done!
キーワード1 child soldier crisis
キーワード2 NGO
キーワード3 NPO
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