学科 社会学科
年度 2018
タイトル Nishijin Textile District in an Age of Individualization -Uncovering Social Mobility Patterns in the Traditional Neighbourhood-
内容 Located around the north west area of Kyoto city, Nishijin textile district is known for the production of gorgeous, traditional textiles. Often branded with the image of traditional craftsmanship, the district embraces a history of over a thousand years of weaving. However, despite the authoritative narratives and claims of textile houses being run for centuries by the same families, the reality is rather different from what an outsider would anticipate. Workers in Nishijin, both present and past, have faced societal changes that interrelates with the diversifying patterns of social mobility such as economic fluctuations, change in family values and increase of flexibility in choices of geographical and occupational positioning. This paper uncovers the complex dynamics of social mobility in one of the oldest, traditional textile neighbourhoods in Japan. It also examines how many different factors have influenced the changes social mobility, or immobility, and how concepts of class itself has been changing in the area.
In doing so, it aims to explore how “individualization” (Beck and Beck-Gernsheim, 2002) has affected individuals, family enterprises, Nishijin and the Japanese society.
講評 今度の卒業論文のテーマに多岐にわたったが、ほとんどの論文では社会学的または人類学的なアプローチと理論が十分に見える。その一方、特に問題設定において、より社会学的な観点が望ましいケースもあった。すべての論文は、インタビュ調査あるいはアンケート調査を行い、そのデータを分析した。より高度な分析方法も実施することができたが、全員が独自でデータを収集したことが高く評価できる。
キーワード1 social mobility
キーワード2 individualization
キーワード3 Nishijin
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