学科 教育文化学科
年度 2021
ゼミ名 William.R.STEVENSONⅢ
タイトル Supporting Students During the COVID-19 Crisis:_A Case Study of Doshisha University
内容    This study investigates Doshisha University’s response to the COVID-19 crisis in the spring of 2020. Its purpose is to leave a record of these events and provide suggestions for potential future crises by examining the achievements and challenges of actions taken during the current crisis.    During the first months of the COVID-19 Crisis, university students around the world faced drastic restrictions with on-campus access and requests for self-restraint by government agencies. At Doshisha University, students called for the reduction or exemption of tuition fees. The university refused, instead of providing focused financial support to financially affected students. Beyond the university, alumni provided extensive support for students' dietary needs. The following account, based on interviews with key participants and a student survey, records the support that people from all walks of life provided for Doshisha students_this author included. In addition, a survey was conducted to measure the financial and psychological impact of the crisis on students and the degree to which students were aware of alumni support. Results show that students felt there was insufficient cooperation between the university and external organizations, and that the support provided was poorly advertised and unevenly distributed._
キーワード1 Covid-19 Crisis
キーワード2 student support
キーワード3 Doshisha University
キーワード4 inclusive society
キーワード5 Participatory Research
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