学科 教育文化学科
年度 2022
ゼミ名 William.R.STEVENSONⅢ
タイトル Investigation of the connection between Japanese university students and shutaisei Project: A Case Study of the Student Magazine FASTNER.
内容 In recent years, people in Japanese society have been urged to change their sense of values in order to keep up with progressing globalization.
In this study, interviews were done with eight students involved in the publication of the student-run free magazine FASTNER., with the goal of understanding the role of student shutaisei, or initiative, in the publication process. The study then explores the extent to which such activities contribute to the education of participating students.
The environment that assists them to work while taking initiative includes opportunities to work with members with diverse personalities, the high degree of flexibility, the frequent turnover of members, and the fact that the group has a long history. This interview survey revealed that although everyone has different attributes, expertise, sensitivities, and values that cannot be categorized, there are some things that they all have in common that they find attractive. This is a good example of experiential education for Japanese society today we can utilize from now onward.
講評 Nakahara Tsukane spent several years with the student-run “Fastner” publication, working her way up to chief editor. The publication is unique in that it is a long-running magazine established and operated by university students independent of any institution. As Tsukane argues, its success is built on the “shutaisei” of Japanese youth. This study explores the role of “shutaisei” in creating “Fastner.” More than just a testament to student ingenuity, its value lies in providing a model for future project-based learning endeavors. Well done Tsukane!
キーワード1 Shutaisei
キーワード2 A case of study
キーワード3 Diverse personalities
キーワード4 Flexibility
キーワード5 Turnover of member
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