詳細 | |
学科 | 社会学科 |
年度 | 2009 |
ゼミ名 | Bruce WHITE |
タイトル | The People Who Live on the Street?Sales Agents of the Big Issue |
内容 | A thesis exploring the relationship between sellers of Osaka’s Big Issue―the magazine that helps empower homeless people to generate their own income―and the general public that they sell to. |
講評 | The range and quality of research subjects and graduate reports has been exceptional this year. The students have really worked to absorb the the themes of the class and the topics of their chosen research. My thanks to all the seminar students graduating in 2010 for seeing the connections and making their own! |
キーワード1 | Homeless |
キーワード2 | Osaka |
キーワード3 | Big Issue |
キーワード4 | Ethnography |
キーワード5 | |
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